My Wife is a Gangster

My Wife is a Gangster

Cha is the the bad-ass supreme of one of the big Korean mafia families. Cha is infamous for eliminating targets every time. Cha is also a woman. When she learns that her sister has terminal cancer, and her sister's dying wish is for Cha to be married and lead a normal, assasination-free life, Cha takes her sister's wishes to heart and begins her move toward normalcy. Quickly finding herself a suitable mate, she marries and settles down, somehow managing to keep her clouded past from her husband all the while. However, with their best fighter now out of the game, her old mafia family is taking heavy fire from another family that wants to oust them and take over their territory; and Cha is essentially forced back into "the life" part-time, pulling double duty as both assassin and home-maker.

Traducător: intellect
Movie : My Wife Is A Gangster
Director: Jin-gyu Cho
Writers: Hyo-jin Kang, Moon-saeng Kim
Stars: Eun-Kyung Shin, Sang-Myeon Park and Jae-mo Ahn
Genres:Action | Romance | Comedy
Country : South Korea
Release Date: 28 September 2001 (South Korea)
Also Known As:
My Wife Is a Gangster
Year : 2001
Director : Jo Jin-Gyu
Starring: Shin Eun-Gyeong, Park Sang-Myeon, Ahn Jae-Mo
Runtime : 110 Minutes


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