
Ninja Assassin

Ninja Assassin este povestea lui Raizo, un asasin ninja. Clanul Ozunu, o societate secreta a carei existenta este considerata un mit, l-a luat de mic copil de pe strazi si l-au transformat intr-un ucigas expert. Dar uciderea prietenului lui cel mai bun de catre clan il determina pe acesta sa...

No Mercy

Doctorul Kang (Seol Kyeong Gu) este un medic legist ce doreste sa se pensioneze ca sa poata petrece mai mult timp cu fiica sa, aceasta intorcandu-se acasa dupa mult timp petrecut in America. Cand o femeie este gasita pe malul unui rau taiata in 6 bucati cu o mana lipsa, Kang este chemat pentru o...

No Mercy for the Rude

His name is Killa. Growing up as an orphan, he had been teased so much for being a lisper that he decided not to talk at all until getting a surgery that would make him talk clearly.Living all by himself, he spends his time doing only two things; watching bullfights on TV and eating seafood. He...

Nora Inu

Buzunarit in autobuz si lasat fara arma, Murukami, un tanar detectiv de la omucideri porneste rusinat in cautarea hotului pentru a-si recupera pistolul. Fara prea mare succes, Murukami ajunge sub aripa unui detectiv intelept si experimentat...   Title: Stray Dog Japanese title: Nora...

Okasareta Hakui

A man penetrates by night in a nurse dormitory planning to kill them all. While he accomplishes to his self imposed task thoughts and obsessions come to his mind revealing his love deficits, his needs. The clash between violence (both sexual and physical) and love frustration slowly comes to a...


De ziua fiicei sale, Ho Dae-su se imbata si ajunge la sectia de politie. Cel mai bun prieten al sau, No Joo-hwan, il scoate din arest si, in timp ce suna acasa dintr-o cabina telefonica, Dae-su dispare, fiind rapit si tinut intr-o camera timp de 15 ani. Intr-o zi, este brusc eliberat, i se dau...

On Next Sunday

The film is a human drama starring Somegoro Ichikawa and Younha. Younha plays Sora, a Korean high schooler. She chases after a boy she likes who has moved to Japan for college, but after she gets there, she discovers that he has returned to Korea due to family circumstances. She remains in Japan,...

Once a Gangster

Celebrity cook Roast Pork (Jordan Chan) is known for his culinary sleight of hand, but hardly anyone realizes he used to be a young and dangerous slayer who cut human flesh rather than poultry meat. Now a family man who strives to be a caring father, he finds his idyllic life turn topsy-turvy...

Oneechanbara: The Movie - Vortex

Sisters Aya and Saki put aside their rivalry and go toe-to-toe with Himiko and her band of zombies. The evil Himiko needs the blood of the young girls to restore her youth, while the sisters need to stop Himiko to save mankind ... Bikini-clad zombie slayer Aya is back for a second movie! The...

Open City

Jo Dae-Yeong este un ofiţer de poliţie care este pe urmele unei reţele de hoţi de buzunare cu legături cu Yakuza. Într-o zi el o salvează pe frumoasa Baek Jang-mi de pericol, doar pentru a descoperi că ea este şeful bandei pe care o urmărea.   The Regional Crime Squad consists of the...

Painted Skin

Xiao Wei este un spirit al vulpei care se hraneste cu inimi de oameni pentru a-si mentine frumusetea si tineretea. In cautarea de inimi, ea este ajutata de un demon soparla care ii gaseste toate "bataile de inima" necesare ca ea sa se intretina. Atunci cand Generalul Wang Sheng o salveaza din...


ER doctor Tsuyoshi Matsuoka receives a patient with a virus unlike anything he's seen before. His symptoms include high fever, convulsions, vomiting of blood and multiple organ failure. Could this be a new form of influenza or is it some other variety of virus? As the situation worsens and more...

Patiala House

A victim of British racial violence and profiling prevents his son from playing cricket. Gurtej Singh Kahlon witnesses his family being attacked by British-born Caucasian skinheads, leading to a death in the family. While the identified attackers were never charged by racially biased police, he...

Petrang Kabayo

Peter is a boy who is always maltreated by his father because of his homosexuality. He decided to runaway and was found by a wealthy lady, Doña Biday, and is adopted by her . But, he becomes abusive of his newfound wealth, and after the death of Doña Biday he becomes more abusive of his wealth...


Este povestea lui Yoon In Sa, o pianista care a fost nevoita sa renunte la visul ei din cauza problemelor financiare si a lui Oh Je Ro, un geniu al muzicii, care lucreaza intr-un atelier de reparat piane.   Oh Je Ro is a musical genius who had always dreamt of learning the piano, but had...

Ping Pong Playa

Christopher C-Dub Wang este un tanar american de origine chineza, care locuieste in suburbii si se comporta asemenea unui strengar de cartier, visand la o cariera de succes ca jucator profesionist de baschet in NBA, desi toata familia lui este pasionata de ping-pong. Traind in umbra fratelui mai...

Playboy Cops

Inspectorul Michael Mak Ho Man , baiat de milionar , prefera sa lucreze in politie si sa prinda infractori , chiar daca pozitia sociala ai permite sa faca si alt ceva , asta nu-l impiedica totusi sa vina la serviciu s-au in misiuni cu un Ferrari si nici sa arunce cu banii in stanga si-n dreapta...

Postman to Heaven

Este povestea unui mesager care are abilitatea de a calatori intre lumea aceasta si lumea de dincolo. Shin Jae Joon este in coma in urma unui accident de masina iar Dumnezeu i-a dat sansa sa-si prelungeasca viata devenind postas ceresc. El livreaza scrisorile adresate celor morti. Asa o cunoaste pe...

Power Kids

In film e vorba despre 5 copii  care vor sa recupereze o inima pentru cel mai mic copil (Jib), ce sufera de o boala grava si are nevoie de transplant de inima; misiunea lor este oprita de catre un atac al unei grupari teroriste. Din cauza teroristilor inima nu mai poate ajunge la copil asa...


Two women who both have talent and a dream fight for their place in the spotlight in this Japanese melodrama adapted from a popular manga. Shio (Stephanie) is a beautiful young woman from a wealthy family who is studying voice and wants to sing with the opera. Moe (Hikari Mitsushima), a penniless...

Items: 221 - 240 of 264
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