
Dream Home

When she was a child, Cheng Lai-Sheung (Josie Ho) could see Hong Kong's famed Victoris harbour from her apartment. But as time passed, the old buildings in front of her home were demolished to make way for a huge residential project No.1 Victoria Bay' that now blocks her view. Increasingly...


"Drona" este povestea lui Aditya (Abhishek Bachchan), un copil orfan care traia in Marea Britanie, impreuna cu unchiul, matusa si un var. Dupa moartea unchiului, matusa si varul sau au inceput sa fie din ce in ce mai abuzivi cu Aditya. Pe langa toate rautatile venite din partea rudelor el se...


Set years ago in the era of the Joseon Dynasty, the story follows a young police officer named Namsoon (Ha Ji-won) who, along with her fellow officers, discovers a counterfeit ring operating out of the area they've been assigned to protect. However, as the criminals aren't just printing up their...

Emmanuelle in Hong Kong

Though they have been married two years, Yan and Emily's sex life has never really taken off. As a Catholic, Emily has always frowned on the act, frustrating Yan to no end. Desperate to heat up his marriage and his wife, Yan arranges for his wife to be kidnapped and brought to a castle for a...

Empire of Assassins

One man is out for revenge after a life-altering event destroys his family. After years of preparation he seeks out his justice, while unaware of their relation, on his brother. As these two brothers seek to destroy each other certain memories are triggered and although many trusted allies will...

Empire of Silver

China sfârşitului de secol 19. O ţară măcinată de războaie care au secătuit dinastia Qing - nu alta decât cea care l-a dat şi pe ultimul împărat chinez portretizat în 1987 în pelicula de geniu a lui Bertolucci, “Ultimul Împărat”. Opiul şi traficul cu acesta înfloreşte, iar sărăcia şi corupţia...

Endhiran the Robot

“Endhiran“, un film al căror costuri au fost estimate la un miliard şi nouă sute de milioane de rupii indiene, a făcut ravagii pe internet. Producţia, considerată cea mai scumpă produsă în India a fost încărcată integral pe Youtube, dar ceea ce a atras foarte mult atenţia e o secvenţă de acţiune...

Evil Twin

When an accident claims the life of her twin sister, So-yeon falls into a coma from which she awakes ten years later. However, a series of mysterious killings starts to take place upon her recovery, and she seemingly takes on her sister's personality traits. However, it is revealed that the one...

Eye for an Eye

Sung-chan este detectiv de top in departamentul de investigatii speciale a crimelor... si este cunoscut pentru ferocitatea cu care pedepseste pe oricine ii raneste orgoliul. Dupa ce Hyun-min, sub infatisare lui Sung-chan, jefuieste ziua in amiaza mare un transport de aur in valoare de 10...

Eye in the Sky

Eye in the Sky takes place around the darker side of Hong Kong society, where the story begins with a group of organised burglars successfully robbing a jewelry store. The plot begins with the wet-behind-the-ears new recruit Piggy (Kate Tsui), who is plunged at the deep end in her first...

Farewell my Concubine

Until Farewell, My Concubine (Ba Wang Bie Ji), not many people were aware that most members of the Peking Opera were originally orphans or illegitimate castaways with nowhere else to turn. Such is the case of the film's protagonists, Duan Xiaolou (Zhang Fengyi) and Cheng Dieyi (Leslie Cheung),...

Fatal Contact

Kong, fost campion naţional de kung fu este îndragostit de Tin Siu. Pentru a putea fi langă ea şi a-şi putea atinge visurile, cei doi au nevoie de bani. Acestuia i se propune sa participe la lupte ilegale, iniţial refuză, apoi fiind constrans de iubita sa şi de nevoia de bani se hotaraste sa...

Fatal Move

In lumea violenta a triadelor din Hong Kong, o singura miscare gresita poate fi fatala. Cand o serie de nenorociri neasteptate se abat asupra liderului organizatiei de criminali, Lung, totul se transforma intr-un razboi sangeros intre gangsteri. Una dupa alta, luptele il aduc pe Lung si pe banda...

Fire of Conscience

Filmul trateaza sensibila problema a coruptiei politiei din Hong Kong, pe fondul unei povesti cu implicatii umane plina de sensibilitate. Manfred (Leon Lai) este un politist “neadaptat”, care are un stil propriu de a rezolva lucrurile, folosind violenta excesiva. Recent si-a pierdut sotia, iar...


Tyler Draven descopera în închisoare abilitatea de a crea foc cu mainile goale. El ar face orice pentru a iesi din aceasta situatie - el iese din inchisoare si isi incepe o strategie de razbunae împotriva tuturor celor care au ras vreodata de el. Autoritatile, cum ar fi Jason X si Lexa Doig ,...

Flash Point

Ma Jun este un politist care este cunoscut pentru violenta de care abuzeaza in timpul arestarilor. El se aliaza cu Hua Sheng, un politist sub acoperire, pentru a incerca sa ii dea jos de la putere pe doi frati Vietnamezi. Cel mai in varsta, Xian Wei Cha este arestat intr-o operatiune care il...

Flowers of Shanghai

A mesmerizing and seductive tale of sexual intrigue, Flowers of Shanghai takes place in the elegant brothels of the late 19th century Shanghai. An insular world with its own highly ritualized codes of behavior, the film traces the destinies of the beautiful "flower girls" whose lives depended on...

Fly, Daddy, Fly

Fly Daddy Flyse bucură de o distribuție familiară celor care au văzut Iljimae, binecunoscuta dramă în care Lee Jun Ki, în dorința de a răzbuna nelegiuirile suferite de familia și poporul său, îmbracă hainele justițiarului nocturn, de tip Robin Hood. Atât în Iljimae, cât și în Fly Daddy Fly, Jun...

Forever Enthralled

In 1938, Mei Langfang’s good friend, Qiu Rubai, stood at Mei Lanfang’s sickbed. For decades, he got along with Mei as brothers and almost as enemies. Qiu suddenly found out that it took him a lifetime to understand Mei. He told Mei: Now I understand. You wanted to be an ordinary man. Maybe...

Formosa Betrayed

In the early 1980s, an FBI Agent is assigned to investigate the murder of a respected professor. Through his investigation, he unearths a spider web of international secrets that has been thriving within college campuses across America for decades. His investigation takes him across the Pacific...

Items: 101 - 120 of 264
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